How to Maintain Your Piano

Publish Date: 19 April 2018

A piano is a big investment, it is a beautiful instrument to not only be played but to also be aesthetically admired. And as with any investment whether it be a car or a house, you will want to make sure that you get your money’s worth ensuring it is well looked after. With the correct care and maintenance, you can ensure that you keep your piano sounding and looking great for years to come. So, in order to prolong the lifespan of your instrument here are a few tips and tricks to help you maintain your piano.

Handling Your Piano

The way in which you handle your piano will have a huge effect on how it performs and looks over the years. Try to avoid leaning on the piano whether it be on the body or the keys are too much pressure can damage the sound and its stability. You should also try to avoid putting too many heavy items on the piano for the same reason. Children and pets can also affect the pianos aesthetic if it is subject to claw marks or dirty hands.

Location of Piano

The location of your piano is another element to consider particularly in terms of the temperature, humidity and direct sunlight. With most pianos being made of wood, the instrument is in danger of warping if the space it occupies is too humid. This will ultimately affect the tension of the strings causing the instrument to become irreparably out of tune. In severe cases, the instrument may even have to be completely rebuilt if the humidity causes it to collapse. Equally, exposure to intense sunlight may damage the aesthetic of the piano depending on its finish and colouring.

Cleaning of Piano

Regularly cleaning your piano is key to ensure the dust does not affect the appearance or secrete itself within the keys. The recommended method of cleaning is to use a dry, clean cloth to wipe away any visible dust. Try not to use any water in the cleaning process but if a damp cloth is used it is imperative that is dried immediately after to avoid any permanent water damage to the wood. You should also never use any cleaners or varnish on the piano unless specified in the manufacturer’s instructions as again, this is likely to damage the appearance of the instrument.

Piano Tuning

As with any instrument, when it isn’t used it becomes out of tune which is why it is important that you have your piano regularly tuned. Generally, it is recommended that a piano used in a domestic environment is tuned once every six months but to really enhance the sound of the instrument you may want to tune it each time before playing. It is not always easy to tune a piano yourself, so it might be worth hiring a professional piano tuning expert who will have the appropriate skills and equipment.

However, above all else, it is important that you regularly maintain your piano and play such a wonderful instrument on a regular basis. This will ensure that all the moving elements within the piano are kept in excellent condition.