Back to School Piano Hire for Long Term

Publish Date: 31 August 2023

As the back-to-school season approaches, now is the time to start considering the ways that you can encourage your child to delve into the world of musical education. Whether your child has already begun their musical journey or has recently expressed an interest in learning to play the piano, we believe that one of the best ways to nurture their passion and commitment is with a long-term piano rental.

Importance of Piano Practice in Education

The resonance of a well-played piano note isn’t just music to the ears; it’s also a symphony for the brain. In recent years, numerous studies have attested to the far-reaching benefits of music education, particularly piano practice, on children’s cognitive development and academic progress.

One study from the University of Toronto determined that among children whose IQs were growing, IQs increased more among groups of children who had additional piano lessons when compared to those taking no additional lessons.

Whilst music was seen as nothing more than an extracurricular activity in the past, it has now become clear that it is a cognitive workout that feeds creativity and discipline and strengthens the mind. Learning to play the piano helps to engage key areas of the brain to improve memory, concentration and all-important problem-solving skills.

You will often find that children who are able to engage with music and learn to play an instrument can perform better academically whilst nurturing their creativity.

Benefits of Long-Term Piano Hire for Schools and Students

For many years, Markson Pianos has provided schools, colleges and universities across the UK with long-term piano rentals. We understand that investing in pianos can be a significant financial commitment that isn’t always feasible for academic institutions. Our long-term piano hire offers a cost-effective solution that allows schools to provide their students with the opportunity to experience music and learn to play a new instrument within their budgets.

For students and parents, the benefit of long-term piano hire is the convenience of having a piano at home without having to commit to a purchase. Pianos are an investment in your child’s future, and piano hires are a clear choice for those who are unsure about how dedicated their child is to the instrument.

Structuring Effective Piano Practice Routines

A well-structured piano practice routine is the cornerstone of building not only your child’s technical skills but, more importantly, a deep connection with the instrument.

Long-term piano hire encourages consistency with the convenience of being readily available in your own home. The key is to put aside dedicated time and create a schedule for practice sessions, breaking down pieces into smaller, more manageable parts and gradually building up their skill and confidence to increase the complexity of their playing.

Creating a calm, distraction-free space is crucial to having focused and uninterrupted piano rehearsal, which means putting away phones, tablets and TVs. The more immersed your child’s brain is in the session, the quicker they will progress.

We firmly believe that consistency is key, and as with learning any new skill, it takes time and practice, even if it’s just for 15 minutes a day, to encourage younger students to maintain their musical journey, see progression and challenge themselves.

Maximising the Benefits of Long-Term Piano Hire

Long-term piano rental allows you to have a piano in your home for as long as you want and need, but it is important that you make the most of the opportunity! Children and adolescents should be actively encouraged to explore different genres, improvise pieces and even collaborate with other musical students.

The more you immerse your child in the world of music, the more they will be enthused to practice, hone their skills and progress with the piano. A great way to keep students motivated in an increasingly digital world is to incorporate technology into their practice sessions. There are countless interactive apps, tutorials and virtual lessons that can help to keep them engaged.

Choosing the Right Piano for Long-Term Hire

Whether you are interested in an upright or grand piano, choosing the right instrument for long-term hire is essential to your child’s musical journey.

At Markson Pianos, we pride ourselves on offering a range of high-quality pianos suitable for long-term hire. Our expert team can assist you in finding the perfect match to meet the needs and requirements of your child.

Whether you’re a school administrator seeking cost-effective solutions or a parent nurturing your child’s artistic expression, if you are interested in exploring long-term piano hire solutions, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team on 020 7935 8682 or email us at to learn more about hire costs and more.